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Associations and Validations

6. Associations

CouchbaseOrm provides a way to define and work with associations between models. Associations allow you to establish relationships between different entities in your application, making it easier to manage and query related data.

CouchbaseOrm supports several types of associations, including:

  • One-to-One (belongs_to)
  • One-to-Many (has_many)
  • Many-to-Many (has_and_belongs_to_many)

6.1. Belongs To

The belongs_to association is used to define a one-to-one relationship between two models, where the model containing the association "belongs to" the other model.

In the belongs to, class_name is the name of the class that the association points to. foreign_key is the name of the field in the current model that references the associated model.

They are optional and will be inferred from the association name if not provided.

Class name follows Pascal case and foreign key follows snake case.

class Teacher < CouchbaseOrm::Base
class Student < CouchbaseOrm::Base
attribute :name, :string
attribute :grade, :integer
attribute :teacher_id, :string

belongs_to :teacher, class_name: 'Teacher', foreign_key: :teacher_id

validates_presence_of :name, :grade, :teacher_id

In this example, a Student belongs to a Teacher. CouchbaseOrm assumes that the students documents contain a teacher_id field that references the associated teacher document.

6.2. Has Many

The has_many association is used to define a one-to-many relationship between two models, where one model can have multiple associated records of another model.

class Teacher < CouchbaseOrm::Base
attribute :name, :string
attribute :subject, :string

has_many :students, class_name: 'Student', foreign_key: :teacher_id, type: :n1ql, dependent: :destroy

validates_presence_of :name, :subject

class Student < CouchbaseOrm::Base

In this example, a Teacher has many Students, and a Student belongs to a Teacher. CouchbaseOrm assumes that the students documents contain a teacher_id field that references the associated teacher document.

The class name and foreign key are optional and will be inferred from the association name if not provided.

In the following example, we demonstrate how to work with associations in CouchbaseOrm:

# Creating a new teacher
teacher1 = Teacher.create(name: 'Mr. Smith', subject: 'Mathematics')

# Creating new students
student1 = Student.create(name: 'John Doe', grade: 9, teacher_id:
student2 = Student.create(name: 'Jane Roe', grade: 10, teacher_id:

# Associating students with teacher
puts "Teacher's students: #{teacher1.students.inspect}"

# Find a teacher by a student's teacher_id
found_teacher = Teacher.find(student1.teacher_id)
puts found_teacher.inspect

# List students of a teacher
teacher_students = teacher1.students
teacher_students.each { |student| puts student.inspect }

6.3. Has And Belongs To Many

The has_and_belongs_to_many association is used to define a many-to-many relationship between two models, where each model can have multiple associated records of the other model.

class Publisher < CouchbaseOrm::Base
attribute :name, :string
has_and_belongs_to_many :magazines, join_class: 'PublishersMagazines'

validates :name, presence: true

class Magazine < CouchbaseOrm::Base
attribute :title, :string
attribute :genre, :string
has_and_belongs_to_many :publishers, join_class: 'PublishersMagazines'

validates :title, presence: true
validates :genre, presence: true

class PublishersMagazines < CouchbaseOrm::Base
attribute :publisher_id, :string
attribute :magazine_id, :string

validates :publisher_id, presence: true
validates :magazine_id, presence: true

In this example, a Publisher has and belongs to many Magazines, and a Magazine has and belongs to many Publishers. The PublishersMagazines class serves as the join class that connects the Publisher and Magazine models.

You can customize the association name, class name, and foreign key if needed:

class Publisher < CouchbaseOrm::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :books, class_name: 'Book', join_table: 'publishers_books', foreign_key: 'publisher_id', association_foreign_key: 'book_id'

In the following example, we demonstrate how to work with many-to-many associations in CouchbaseOrm:

# Create magazines
magazine1 = Magazine.create(title: 'Vogue', genre: 'Fashion')
magazine2 = Magazine.create(title: 'National Geographic', genre: 'Science')

# Create publishers
publisher1 = Publisher.create(name: 'Penguin Random House')
publisher2 = Publisher.create(name: 'Hearst Communications')

# Associate publishers with magazines
publisher1.magazines = [magazine1, magazine2]
publisher2.magazines = [magazine1]

magazine1.publishers = [publisher1, publisher2]
magazine2.publishers = [publisher1]

# Print publishers and their magazines
puts { |publisher| "#{} (ID: #{})" }

# Print magazines and their publishers
puts { |magazine| "#{magazine.title} (Genre: #{magazine.genre}) by #{', ')} (ID: #{})" }

# print magazine and tojson
puts { |magazine| "#{magazine.to_json}" }

6.4. Polymorphic Associations

CouchbaseOrm supports polymorphic associations, which allow a model to belong to multiple other models through a single association.

class Comment < CouchbaseOrm::Base
belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true

class Post < CouchbaseOrm::Base
has_many :comments, as: :commentable

class Photo < CouchbaseOrm::Base
has_many :comments, as: :commentable

In this example, a Comment can belong to either a Post or a Photo through the commentable association. The commentable_type field in the comments document stores the type of the associated record (Post or Photo), and the commentable_id field stores the ID of the associated record.

6.5. Dependent Associations

CouchbaseOrm allows you to specify what should happen to associated records when the parent record is destroyed. You can use the dependent option to control this behavior.

class User < CouchbaseOrm::Base
has_many :posts, dependent: :destroy

In this example, when a User is destroyed, all associated Posts will also be destroyed. Other options for dependent include :nullify (sets the foreign key to null), :restrict_with_exception (raises an exception if there are associated records), and :delete_all (deletes associated records without running callbacks).

6.6. Autosave

CouchbaseOrm provides an autosave option that automatically saves associated records when saving the parent record.

class User < CouchbaseOrm::Base
has_many :posts, autosave: true

With autosave set to true, saving a User will also save any new or modified associated Posts.

6.7. Querying Associations

CouchbaseOrm allows you to easily query and retrieve associated records using the defined associations.

user = User.find('user_id_123')
posts = user.posts

In this example, user.posts retrieves all the associated Posts for the given User.

You can also chain query methods on associations:

recent_posts = user.posts.where('created_at >= ?', 1.week.ago).order(created_at: :desc)

This query retrieves the associated Posts for the user that were created within the last week, ordered by the most recent first.

Now, let's move on to the next section, where we'll explore how to use N1QL queries in CouchbaseOrm for more advanced querying capabilities.