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SQL++ (formerly N1QL) Queries

CouchbaseOrm provides support for executing SQL++ queries directly from your Ruby code. SQL++ (or formerly N1QL,i.e. Non-First Normal Form Query Language) is a powerful query language that allows you to perform complex queries and aggregations on your Couchbase data.

7.1 Defining SQL++ Queries

To define an SQL++ query in your model, you can use the n1ql macro provided by CouchbaseOrm. Here are a few examples:

class N1QLTest < CouchbaseOrm::Base
attribute :name, type: String
attribute :lastname, type: String
enum rating: %i[awesome good okay bad], default: :okay
attribute :country, type: String

# Example 1: Custom query with specific rating values
n1ql :by_custom_rating, emit_key: [:rating], query_fn: proc { |bucket, _values, options|
cluster.query("SELECT raw meta().id FROM `#{}` WHERE type = 'n1_ql_test' AND rating IN [1, 2] ORDER BY name ASC", options)

# Example 2: Simple query by name
n1ql :by_name, emit_key: [:name]

# Example 3: Simple query by lastname
n1ql :by_lastname, emit_key: [:lastname]

# Example 4: Custom query by country with parameter binding
n1ql :by_country, emit_key: [:country], query_fn: proc { |bucket, values, options|
"SELECT raw meta().id FROM `#{}` WHERE type = 'n1_ql_test' AND country = $country ORDER BY name ASC",
Couchbase::Options::Query(named_parameters: { country: values[0] })

# Example 5: Simple query by rating
n1ql :by_rating_emit, emit_key: :rating

# Example 6: Custom query by rating with parameter binding
n1ql :by_custom_rating_values, emit_key: [:rating], query_fn: proc { |bucket, values, options|
cluster.query("SELECT raw meta().id FROM `#{}` where type = 'n1_ql_test' AND rating IN #{quote(values[0])} ORDER BY name ASC", options)

# Example 7: Custom query by rating with custom ordering
n1ql :by_rating_reverse, emit_key: :rating, custom_order: 'name DESC'

# Example 8: Simple query by rating without including documents
n1ql :by_rating_without_docs, emit_key: :rating, include_docs: false

# Index definition for the rating attribute
index_n1ql :rating

In these examples:

  • The by_custom_rating query selects the document IDs where the type is 'n1_ql_test' and the rating is either 1 or 2, ordered by the name attribute in ascending order.

  • The by_name, by_lastname, and by_rating_emit queries use the emit_key option to specify the attribute to be used as the key for the query.

  • The by_custom_rating_values query demonstrates passing values to the query using placeholders ($1, $2, etc.) and the quote method to properly escape the values.

  • The by_rating_reverse query uses the custom_order option to specify a custom ordering for the query results.

  • The by_rating_without_docs query sets include_docs to false to retrieve only the document IDs without fetching the full documents.

  • The index_n1ql macro is used to define an index on the rating attribute and generate a corresponding query method. Note that the index_n1ql macro does not create the index in the Couchbase Dashboard directly; you would need to create the index separately using the Couchbase Dashboard or the Couchbase Query UI.

7.2 Query Parameters

SQL++ queries often require parameters to be passed in order to filter or customize the results. CouchbaseOrm allows you to define queries with placeholders and provide the parameter values when executing the query.

n1ql :by_custom_rating_values, emit_key: [:rating], query_fn: proc { |bucket, values, options|
cluster.query("SELECT raw meta().id FROM `#{}` where type = 'n1_ql_test' AND rating IN #{quote(values[0])} ORDER BY name ASC", options)

In this example, the values parameter represents an array of values passed to the query. The quote method is used to properly escape and format the values for use in the query.

7.3 Executing SQL++ Queries

To execute an SQL++ query, you simply call the defined query method on your model class.

docs = N1QLTest.by_custom_rating().collect { |ob| }

CouchbaseOrm automatically executes the SQL++ query and returns the result set, which you can then process as needed.

7.4 Query Options

CouchbaseOrm provides various options to customize the execution of SQL++ queries. These options can be passed as a hash parameter to the query method.

docs = N1QLTest.by_rating_reverse(key: 1)

7.5 Placeholder Values

You can use placeholder values in your SQL++ queries and pass the actual values when executing the query.

 n1ql :by_country, emit_key: [:country], query_fn: proc { |bucket, values, options|
"SELECT raw meta().id FROM `#{}` WHERE type = 'n1_ql_test' AND country = $country ORDER BY name ASC",
Couchbase::Options::Query(named_parameters: { country: values[0] })

docs = N1QLTest.by_country(key: 'USA').collect { |ob| }

In this example, the by_country query uses a placeholder $country in the query string and passes the actual value 'USA' as the parameter value when executing the query.

7.6 Query Result Processing

By default, CouchbaseOrm automatically maps the query result to instances of your model class. However, you can also process the query result manually if needed.

n1ql :by_custom_rating, emit_key: [:rating], query_fn: proc { |bucket, _values, options|
cluster.query("SELECT raw meta().id FROM `#{}` WHERE type = 'n1_ql_test' AND rating IN [1, 2] ORDER BY name ASC", options)

n1ql :by_custom_rating_values, emit_key: [:rating], query_fn: proc { |bucket, values, options|
cluster.query("SELECT raw meta().id FROM `#{}` where type = 'n1_ql_test' AND rating IN #{quote(values[0])} ORDER BY name ASC", options)

In the above example, the by_custom_rating and by_custom_rating_values queries are executed, and the results are processed manually to extract the name attribute from each document.

# Query by custom rating
docs = N1QLTest.by_custom_rating.collect { |ob| }

# Query by custom rating values
docs = N1QLTest.by_custom_rating_values(key: [[1, 2]]).collect { |ob| }

In the above examples, the collect method is used to extract the name attribute from each document in the result set.

7.7 Indexing for SQL++

To optimize the performance of SQL++ queries, it's important to create appropriate indexes on the fields used in the query conditions. Couchbase Server provides a way to create indexes using the Index service.

class N1QLTest < CouchbaseOrm::Base

# Index definition for the rating attribute
index_n1ql :rating

# Query using index_n1ql
docs = N1QLTest.find_by_rating(2).collect { |ob| }

# Query using index_n1ql
docs = N1QLTest.by_rating.to_a.collect { |ob| }

In this example, indexes are defined on the rating attribute using the index_n1ql macro.

Indexing helps improve the efficiency of SQL++ queries by allowing Couchbase Server to quickly locate the relevant documents based on the indexed fields.

SQL++ queries in CouchbaseOrm provide a powerful and flexible way to retrieve data from Couchbase Server. By leveraging the expressive power of SQL++, you can perform complex queries, aggregations, and data manipulations directly from your Ruby code.

Remember to ensure that you have the necessary indexes created on the fields used in your queries for optimal performance. Additionally, consider the query consistency level and other options based on your application's requirements.

With CouchbaseOrm's SQL++ support, you can easily integrate advanced querying capabilities into your Ruby application, enabling you to retrieve and manipulate data stored in Couchbase Server efficiently.